Our institution was formed by a team of Service-oriented individuals with the aim to promote education and culture in all aspects in order to achieve and fulfil the mission statement that we believe in. As the Chairman of the school, I feel honoured and privileged to be part of a KIS family where every stakeholder is a learner and every day is an opportunity to learn and discover. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents & staff. I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process, using team strategies, while wholly centring on student achievement.
Education at kaka’s international school is not just about spoon-feeding but about inspiring them to think out of the box and foresee a better future. Whatever good we see in our world today is because of an educative mind behind it. Education for us is improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it. Kaka’s International School, where each child is accepted and appreciated for his/her uniqueness.
It is my vision to provide the world with motivated, responsible and disciplined youth, to shape a better future. I believe this can be achieved by strengthening their foundation upon which they can create a successful future for themselves and the society around them Education is to nurture young minds, focus on the holistic development and bring out their inherited moral, ethical, human and spiritual values so that they develop character and confidence with a deep-rooted passion in pursuit of excellence. We stressed on a design that epitomizes the school vision of grooming children as well-rounded future leaders through all-round development across education, extra-curricular activities and sports.
I feel privileged to lead such an exciting and vibrant school, which offers great opportunities for the young people of India. It is our goal to make each and every student succeed. We offer our students the best possible opportunities to become confident, thoughtful young people who are prepared for any future challenges, in an exciting and increasingly global world. Bringing about healthy growth and development in all areas such as the distribution of wealth, child development, ecologically balanced environment, usage of technology, good relationships between human beings, appropriate communication strategies and having cordial terms are the functions of holistic social development in Kaka’s International School. Our endeavour is to equip our students with life-skills to face the real world – be it planning, organizing, deciding, questioning, reasoning, analyzing, team-building, communicating effectively or dealing with challenges confidently.
I am sure with such qualities imbibed within them, our students are bound to “Arise, Awake, Ascend” to greater heights and a greater tomorrow.